Molecularly Speaking
Who am I? Who is the guy staring back at me in the mirror?
Am I the same person I used to be? Have I changed? Am I still changing? Haven't
I changed enough already? Have I molded the life that surrounds me to suit me,
or has the life that surrounds me molded me? Isn't that like a wicked fine
line? Is that a perfect balance, or are they both one in the same?
I suppose that these questions have raced through the minds
of many a man smarter than me. Women too. Smile. I imagine the questions have
pondered the poignant perceptions throughout the coggles of time. What the hell
is a coggle anyways? Is there really such a thing as a coggle, or did I just
make it up so I could slide into a parallel, non related burst of unrelated
Who really knows, why would they care, and here we go.
Makes me think of the Jetsons. I wonder if Elroy grew up
thinking about this stuff. I suppose if you threw a Spacely Space Sprocket into
a couple unsuspecting coggles, you would probably have a futuristic galactic
mix of something that's out of this world, off the charts, and off the marble. .
Wouldn't that be ironic?
I was sitting out back on the picnic table yesterday
afternoon, and I could hear a siren off in the distance. It grew closer, and
then faded away. I wondered if it was coming down our road, or if it was heading
down the next road over, across the valley from our house. I wondered if it was
a cop, or an ambulance, or maybe a fire truck.
I guess I'll never know.
As I was sitting there, on the table, I suddenly, and again,
realized just how small I am. Now don't get me wrong. I am a big guy, and I
take up quite a bit of room, but that's conveniently according to my own
perception of space. Yes, when I step off the pool ladder and into the water,
the incurring wake does displace some of the water. Probably more than I care
to admit. It's just a small pool though, in the grand scheme of things that
have to do with pools. It's just a little container of liquid, with a little
spillage. Ok! A lot of spillage, but then again, according to my own perception
of matter displacement, and it is my perception, so, back off!
It's such a big world out there, and there's so much space
being taken up by so many things. I would like to think that my space, my
volume of matter, well, I would hope that it matters somehow. I would like to
think that by having continuously propelled my molecular frictional structure of molecules across this molecularly
structured marble, that I have somehow benefitted gratefully, and gracefully enhanced
said molecules that constantly swirl around me, molecularly speaking, by my doing so, indeed. I had to go over this
last sentence several times before I could wrap my head around it. What the
heck am I talking about? How come my fingers do stuff like that? It's got to be
preprogrammed or something, I mean, really? Are you kidding me? Who in their
right mind types stuff like this?
Still thinking, and wrapping.
Too deep. Way too deep. I guess I'll be moving on then.
Sometimes when I listen to the news, and hear all of the
commotion going on around the planet, I wonder if it all matters to me. I
wonder if it has anything to do, with me. I wonder if it ever will. I know that
in the grand scheme of things, everything relates to one another. What I pay
for this is determined by what someone did to that. How I feel about this, is
swayed by what someone else said about that. What I buy and use, is related to
what I heard or saw someone say or do about something. Such a tightly woven array of happenstance.
Such a delicately balanced cycle of events, one after the other, day after day,
and still, there I was, sitting out back, on my picnic table, wondering if at
that particular point in time, any of it really had anything to do with me. I
sat, in silence, wondering if anyone was wondering about me, as I was wondering
about them. I sat in silence, trying to listen to anything that was going on,
out there, away from me, and then, out of the blue, all of a sudden, a jet airliner
passed overhead, from west to east, apparently slowing down to land in either
Hartland, or Bangor. Probably Bangor .
the goings on in the world smoothly shifted my way, and again, I felt connected
to it all. I felt like a piece of the action. A small piece, but a piece, none
the less.
As I sat there, and the jet liner quickly slid out of sound, towards somewhere where I wasn't, I heard a blue jay in the trees surrounding our back yard, and a woodpecker over near the other side of the lawn. The woodpecker sounded like he was having a woodpecker of a time, again, hanging upside down from the suet cage that was hanging near the dog pen.
I tried remembering if I put a new brick of suet in the cage that morning. By the sounds of the woodpecker, hollering out his short, sharp, playful chirps, he was apparently, very glad that I did.
this must be your theory of relativity--lol
ReplyDeletelu dad
i need to spend some time pondering about this one.....lord you went too deep for me.........have a wonderful day on your birthday. oddles of love, mom xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx